Musings from the Left Coast

Welcome to Sing a Song of Cat Sense, a place to share some of my poetry and prose.

“Sing a Song of Cat Sense” is the title of a cozy mystery, with a fantasy twist, that I’ve been writing (on and off) for a few years. A play on “Sing a Song of Sixpence,” the tale involves magic and murder, an amateur musician, and his diminutive Siamese cat with attitude, all set in a small fictional town on the Washington coast.

My poetry is a collection of Winter Solstice poems written for family, friends, and co-workers. I started in the holiday season of 2001, shortly after the religious-based September 11 attacks, when it didn’t seem possible or appropriate to send out the usual holiday cards and greetings. Felt like a statement needed to be made, and emotions had to be shared. I continued on in the following years, until our dear son Vaughn passed away in August 2010, taking with him our life as we had known it.  I had no capability to write poetry or anything else for a long time after that.  It has been a long journey since then, but, finally and slowly, some joy and hope returned.  I resumed the series in 2015. I truly hope you enjoy reading the poems as much as I enjoyed composing them!

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